Job Seeker Services

Our Services

Intake and Orientation

Career Center overview, introduction to services available, registration, basic assessments to determine eligibility, referral to other partner agencies as needed.

Assessment and Individualized Services

Career-specific assessments and the development of an Individualized Employment Plan that includes job-readiness activities such as essential workplace skills and/or occupational training, work-and-learn, career counseling, barrier removal needs, employment, and other strategies.

Basic Services

A variety of services including resume review and writing, job search tools, interview preparation, as well as access to the Career Center resource room computers, printers, and information resources such as labor market information and career opportunities.

Supportive Services

These services help to remove barriers to training and/or employment. They may be provided through system partners or community partners and vary from transportation, to child care, to books or training supplies, to uniforms, and more. Services can also include assistive technology and job coaching if necessary.

Adult Basic Education

Includes literacy and numeracy skills, English Language learning, and high school diploma/GED attainment.

Essential Workplace and Job-Readiness Instruction

Training for basic workplace attributes that exemplify a model employee: timeliness, team approach, professional attire, and working in a multi-generational environment, including resume writing and interview skills

Occupational Training

Training focused on high-growth industries through cohort training or individual training accounts.


Includes hands-on training in a job role. It may be combined with classroom training, structured as an internship or fellowship model, or as an on-the-job training.

Job Development and Employment Placement

Facilitated by staff and community partners working with employers to match jobs with job seekers. Individuals can be referred for job development once they are ready to begin their job search. Supported employment services are available to individuals with disabilities who qualify.

Follow-up: Retention and Career Progression

Periodic contact to document the success of the job placement and to ensure employment retention and career progression. Staff will help to address challenges or concerns that individuals may face in the workforce.

To learn more and apply contact the Anne Arundel County Career Center Now!

  • 410.424.3240